Teen Encounter
June 8th - June 10th
(Grades 9th-12th)
The Power of Your Testimony
"And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death." Revelation 12:11
Experience a Radical Change in Your Life!
Harvest Family Church Encounters provide time away from the everyday cares of life and affords you the opportunity to deepen your walk with Jesus, release burdens, get set free from strongholds, and build new relationships. You are guaranteed a life changing experience! Deepen Your Walk with the Lord!
What is An Encounter?
An Encounter is an experience where one is led to have a personal encounter with God. During the Encounter weekend, the participant is carefully lead to confront the past and the present with the Word of God, so that God's purpose and plan for the future can be revealed and released. After the Encounter, faith is activated, the gifts of the Holy spirit are stirred up, and one is launched into a phase of preparation and discipleship to become a leader of God's people. An Encounter Retreat experience includes: Praise & Worship, Personal Testimonies, Drama Presentations, Small Group Interaction, Prayer Time and Fellowship.
Encounter Retreat Location:
Encounters are held at Harvest Family Church.
The Cost is $40.00. Registration is required in advance. Space is limited.
To Pay: Click here
You may sign up for a retreat one of three ways: 1) Fill out the form below or 2) email us at membership@hfcnc.org or 3) call us at 910.433.3036.Click Here
to download
the HFC
Encounter Guidelines.