Power Over Death and the Grave
“O Death, where is your sting? O Hades, where is your victory?” I Corinthians 15:55
Compassion, Assistance and Hope During Bereavement
Membership Services provides compassion, assistance and hope for those who are grieving the loss of a loved one. We endeavor to be a source of love, comfort, encouragement, and support as the bereaved journeys from mourning to joy.
We offer the following to families during their time of bereavement at their request by:
- Providing a minister to officiate at the service
- Offering suggestions for the order of service
- Offering a listening ear and a caring presence
- Praying for members of our church family
- Visiting the family and friends of the deceased
- Greeting and welcoming friends and family members
- Offering hospitality, comfort, and support during the funeral
- Providing extended follow-up care after the funeral
We require immediate family members (mother, father, spouse, child) to call in funeral and bereavement requests.
Please fill out the form below and email us at membership@hfcnc.org or call us at 910.433.3036.Click Here
to download
HFC Funerals
Policies & Procedures